


Clogged filters increase the resistance and, accordingly, HRV starts using more energy. A clean, new filter significantly reduces HRV’s electricity consumption


Due to the reduced supply and extract air flow, HRV cannot fully perform its ventilation function. Accordingly, dust, bacteria and other particles stay indoor


Due to dirty filters, it is much more difficult for the HRV to supply and extract air, so the device starts to increase the fan speed. Resistance and noise increases in the ventilation ducts


With the help of new filters, odors are removed from the kitchen, bathroom and other areas of the home. An old filter only partially fulfills this function

There are several ways to find out the manufacturer and model of your HRV unit:

  1. Check the inscription on the device itself, which usually indicates the manufacturer and model;
  2. Contact your device installer or premises dealer/builder;
  3. Measure the width, length and height of your filter and filter out the products according to the dimensions in our online shop. The system will provide HRV filters suitable for your device;
  4. If none of the given recommendations helped – contact us by WhatsApp, Facebook chat or through Enquiry page and we will help you.

Changing filters is really easy. At the beginning, turn off the device, open the shutters. Remove the old filters, then install the new ones. Close the dampers and restart the HRV. The most important thing is to purchase filter that is suitable for your HRV. You can do this by selecting the manufacturer of your HRV in our catalog. And then – after choosing a specific model of your device. The system will provide you with suitable models. All that remains is to purchase, change and enjoy clean and fresh air again.

HRV filters are recommended to be changed every 3-6 months, depending on the contamination of the filter. However, the main criteria that indicates that the filters should already be changed is an increase in the sound of the HRV and/or a decrease in the amount of extracted/supplied air.

Smart HRVs that have an electronic control panel and a screen indicate the volume of air supply and air extraction per hour. Example: Zehnder ComfoAir Q350 HRV is installed in a 140 m2 house, the optimal operating mode of which is 190 m3 of supplied and extracted air per hour. If this quantity decreases to 150-170m3, the filters should be changed already.

Also, certain models of HRVs have an automatic reminder about the time to change the filters, so you should follow the recommendations of the device itself. When you purchase filters in our shop, around 5 months after your order, we will remind you about forthcoming filter change, so you will never forget to purchase one on time.

Filter efficiency indicates the amount and size of particles that are filtered through a filter of a certain class. The higher the class, the more efficiently the air is filtered. In most cases, it is recommended to use higher class filters to filter supplied air. However, Logifilter always recommends to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and install those filter sets that are specified in the device’s manual. You can read more information in our detailed article about HRV filter efficiency classes.

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