
HRV filters and classes. What is the difference and how to choose the right one

After making the great decision to entrust the air cleanliness of your home or work environment to a recuperator, you probably immediately learned that installing it alone is not enough. In order for the air at home or in the office to always be as clean as possible, it is necessary to regularly change the filters of the recuperator. The filter replacement process itself is really simple, straightforward and does not require any additional equipment or tools. However, choosing the right filter can be a bit confusing.

First of all, when looking for a new filter to replace the old one, you need to check the manufacturer and model of your recovery device. Because different filters are used for different recuperators. You should also know that each device cleans both the air that is pumped in from the environment and the air that is blown out of the house. Therefore, separate filters are required for this.
The air outside is incomparably more polluted, so it needs to be cleaned more intensively. This requires denser, higher class filters that hold more pollutants. Meanwhile, the air that is pumped from the premises and blown outside is much cleaner. Therefore, its cleaning should not be so intensive. However, it is necessary to clean it so that dust and other contaminants do not get into the recuperator system, which could damage or even damage it.

What does the recuperator filter class indicate?

In order to choose really high-quality filters, you need to check whether they meet the ISO standard. Compliance with this standard can be found written on the filter itself or in its technical specification. True, until 2016, one standard was used – EN 779. And now another one is used – ISO 16890. The previous standard measured whether the filter passes solid particles. However, it only measured one size. The new one measures a wider range of particulate matter. In other words, it analyzes in more detail what size particles the filter passes and which ones it retains.
Filters are divided into classes according to the size of the particles they capture, in other words, the particles they clean the air from. True, according to the old standard, filters were classified in one way, and according to the new one – differently. Therefore, if you have been using the recuperator for a long time, it can be a bit confusing to distinguish how these filters are divided. For this, we will provide you with a detailed explanation about the classification of filters, which, we hope, will help you not to get lost when choosing the right filter.

Old and new classes of recuperators

First of all, we want to introduce the classification of air pollution particles into groups, according to their fineness and the threat they pose. Air pollution particles are divided into four groups:

ePM1 – extremely fine particles of air pollution that can even enter the circulatory system. Such as smog or dust mites.
ePM2.5 – larger particles, but still very fine, can travel to the lungs after entering the respiratory tract. It can be tobacco smoke or various bacteria.
ePM10 – sufficiently large particles of air pollution, but if they get into the respiratory tract, they can cause coughing, sneezing or allergies. For example pollen or fertilizer.
Coarse – large particles of air pollution. Such as cement dust, human hair or car exhaust.

And according to the particles they capture, filters are divided into the following groups:

Well, if it will still be difficult to understand which filter to choose at the beginning, you can always contact us through these contacts. And we will explain and help you.

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